By Tamara Scott Crowley

Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”


While clearing and cleaning out your “human vessel,” it is imperative to look at the fuel that you are using to power yourself.

When we look at addiction, food and beverages are the easiest, cheapest and completely legal drugs in which to imbibe.  After all, who is going to pull you over and arrest you for eating a jelly donut?

I am a self-confessed sugar addict.  When I was a kid, I would wait until my mom was on the phone and then sneak into the kitchen to eat sugar out of the sugar bowl with a spoon.  Butter and sugar on white Wonder Bread was the ultimate snack and Halloween and Easter were all about the candy!

When it comes to raising your consciousness, it is all about what you put into your body – and what you DON’T put into your body.

Let’s start with the basics:

  • Drink your water (one ounce of purified, filtered water for half of your body weight in ounces. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you need to drink 75 ounces of water a day.)
  • Chew your food well (your stomach does not have teeth!)
  • Breathe (into the diaphragm, not the chest!)

Now, as for the fuel…lets also start with the basics:

  • Organic foods
  • Non-GMO
  • As close to nature as possible (simple, live foods)

Do you see any junk food or fast food on the list?  Nope.

Eliminate  or limit the following:

  • Sugar (white or brown refined sugar)
  • All sugar substitutes (e.g., aspartame, etc.)
  • Dairy
  • Wheat
  • Gluten
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Meat

Food vibrates at various frequencies, with organic fruits and vegetables being the highest on the scale.  It is also important to eat foods that are alkaline, versus acidic.


If you are eating a “Standard American Diet” of breads, desserts, sodas, fast food, etc., then you have an opportunity to refine your diet one food category at a time. Don’t go all crazy and hard-core at once.  It won’t stick. This is a process where you should eliminate ONE item at a time.  Say, for instance, that you like to drink soda and you are willing to give it up.  Decide that you are going to give up soda and pick alternate drinks to select when you go to a restaurant.  It could be water, or unsweetened iced tea.  Do it for one week and see how you are doing.  Was it easy?  Do you feel deprived?  Note how your body feels, and whether you are missing the sugar/ artificial sweeteners / caffeine/carbonation.

If you don’t have any cravings or miss it, then select another item to remove from your diet that you want to change (e.g., fast food) and then repeat the process.  Find healthier alternatives to replace the item that you loved.

I have to confess that I gave up sugar many, many times.   I would go four or five months without it and then I would find myself in the middle of an entire chocolate cake with a fork.  I would make myself sick!  It would make me feel so incredibly ill, as I am hypoglycemic, and this would completely screw up my blood sugar.  Then, the sugar roller coaster begins – where you get on the high and start coming down, and then need more to go up again. UGH!  It truly was a demon in my life.

I was able to find alternatives to sugar that could replace the cravings – and over time, the longer that I was not eating sugar, the better I felt.  I truly believe that sugar is more addicting than cocaine.  A prominent California Endocrinologist, Dr. Robert Lustig’s research supports that belief, and the article is footnoted below for reference.

As you refine your diet, PLEASE read all labels for food that you purchase at the grocery store. Sugar is hidden in everything and added to foods so that you crave more of it.  Restaurants also use a lot of sugar to enhance their food and it is put into sauces, dressings and basic recipes.  If you are eating out, ask for organic meats grilled and vegetables with butter, only (no sauce).   Ditto for the salad….order it without dressing and get fresh lemons and olive oil on the side.  Always ask, “What is in this?” before ordering.

As you continue to eat a “clean diet,” your body will evolve and change.  Your tastes for different foods will change and you will crave healthy, organic food.  Explore different types of food and the way it is prepared.  No two people are alike, so a raw, vegan diet may work for one person, but another may need to eat a bit of organic meat and eggs each week to feel optimum.  I know that is the case for me.  I tried to go 100% vegetarian, and also raw/vegan, but my body needed the protein from meat and eggs.  One of the best books that I read was “Beyond Broccoli: Creating a biologically balanced diet when a vegetarian diet doesn’t work,” by Susan Schenck.


Here is a common theme that will keep repeating throughout this website:  “Go within to see what resonates with you!” Check in to see how foods affect your mood, emotions, weight, digestion, etc.”  No two people are exactly the same, so you are going to have to “play detective” to see what works for you.  I have tried the Candida Yeast Diet, Blood Type diet, Mediterranean diet, Keto diet, raw/vegan diet, vegetarian diet, Weight Watchers diet, and the Standard American diet (by default from birth.)  Some were a total disaster, while others worked for a while and then were not as effective.

Overall, the diet that works the best for me is the Candida Yeast Diet.  It is sensible, easy to follow, and the food is delicious. I have been able to eat out in restaurants and modify “Standard American Diet” recipe favorites to fit the guidelines.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to eating what fuel will support your body, while not overdoing the calories.  It’s about feeling great, lowering the inflammation in the body, and taking care of yourself – which is the vehicle for your spirit/soul while you are on earth.

Make sure to check out the Reference Library section for recommended sources on diet and some fantastic cookbooks!!!*

Link to articles:
Sugar is as addictive as cocaine:


Do you have any Live Food Diet questions or comments? We’d love to hear from you.

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